Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What does Toto really know about Africa anyway?

While I am enjoying this temporary bachelorhood, I am also beginning to miss the hell out of Photogal. It's weird not being able to even contact her. I think this is the second-longest we've gone without talking to each other in over ten years. Yikes! I bet she's having a ball on safari in Africa though so I'll soothe my ache with that salve.

In other news I -- after 12+ hours of LOTR -- have discovered that I have hobbit-hair. It might be time for a hair-cut. Also, Lucy the Dog is destructive. I returned home from DJing last night to discover our Christmas tree lying on its side on top of a number of shattered ornaments. Since Betty was in her crate (where she has had to spend time when we're out due to her own recent spate of naughty activities) there was only one possible culprit! Lucy! The Dog! I couldn't believe it!

Okay, time to calm down. I'm getting a little over-excited.

In regards to last night: Eric, what are the chances of you getting hit by two dizzy broads making a u-turn on Damen Ave while we are out in the company of a lawayer? I realize you felt no pain last night but if a deep ache sets into your leg or anything I still have their license plate written on my arm. Let's hear it for partying with the DJ bag that happens to be well-stocked with Sharpies!

On that note, what's goin' down tonight. Anything? Bueller?

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